Pathway lighting guide

Pathway Lighting 101: Choosing and Installing Lights for Safety and Beauty

Landscape lighting is a great way to enhance the exterior for your home. However, there are other lighting elements that you should consider to get aesthetic appeal and function with your landscape lighting. One way to improve both the aesthetic appeal and visibility of your landscape lighting is by including pathway lighting to the mix. Pathway lighting is an essential part of illuminating your home mainly because it also helps improve the safety of your family and guests. If you don’t know where to start, this is going to be your pathway lighting guide.

Choosing a Beam Spread

With so many lighting options available, trying to find the perfect one can be overwhelming. However, it is also possible that you end up choosing the wrong type of landscape lighting fixture or worse, the wrong beam spread. As a rule of thumb, it should be noted that the taller the feature, the narrower the beam spread should be. For instance, if you are looking to illuminate a tall tree or pillar along a pathway, going with a 10-degree fixture is going to be the ideal choice.

Pathway lighting guide

Get the Placement Right

When considering to use pathway lighting, it is important to consider the placement of the lighting fixtures as well. This means, you can strategically place the pathway lights along steps, foliage, and eve trees, which will shine through the trees and onto the pathway, called “moonlighting.” The trick is to not have more light than you need on the pathway. Hiring a professional landscape lighting expert will help you choose the right lighting fixture for your pathways, walkways, and landscapes.

Don’t Forget the Height

When choosing the right pathway lights, it is important to factor in the height of the lighting fixtures so that you are able to create a more dramatic ambiance without casting too much light in the area. You can also turn the lighting fixtures downwards to help guide people as they walk on the path. This is also a useful technique if you are looking for pathway lights that do not create any annoying glare or shine too bright on surrounding plants.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your garden space, then landscape lighting is the way to go. Once you decide to use lighting fixtures in your garden, it is important to hire professional landscape experts who can help guide you through the process and can help you choose the perfect fixtures for landscape and pathway lighting. For more useful information to expand on this pathway lighting guide and amazing features you can turn to Lights Over DMV to find out more.

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